The Congress Scientific Programme Committee invites submissions from occupational therapists and related professions and roles including students and client/service users.
The WFOT Congress Programme comprises a comprehensive programme designed by the Congress Scientific Programme Committee in conjunction with the WFOT Executive to create an innovative, dynamic and diverse world Congress for the occupational therapy profession.
The Congress theme “Inspiring Change, Innovating Futures” encourages occupational therapists to advance the profession through cutting-edge research, practices and technologies, pioneering creative solutions. By championing positive changes and collaborating effectively, they can drive sustainable improvements and inspire transformative impact in occupational therapy.
**Abstract Submissions close Friday 28th February 2025**
Abstract Submissions
Presenting at WFOT Congress 2026 is a very exciting opportunity to share your knowledge, ideas, experience and more with colleagues.
The Congress offers 2 types of abstract submissions: Oral / Poster presentations & Research Institute: 3 Minute Thesis presentations (PhD students only).
Please read the information before submitting an abstract/s for the WFOT Congress 2026 to ensure that your submission meets the specified requirements. Submissions not meeting the requirements will not be considered.
When you are submitting an abstract for the main scientific programme, you can choose to present an oral or a poster. The Scientific Programme Committee will make the decision on the type of oral presentation or poster that will be offered.
Poster presentations are of equal standing and judged by the same criteria as oral presentations.
Oral presentations 10 min to present + 2 min for questions
Lightning Talks – a select number of accepted poster abstracts will be chosen for Lightning Talk presentations (3 minutes to present plus 1 minute for question time)
Poster presentations will be either electronic OR hard copy (not both)
*Please note the above is subject to change based on the number of abstracts submitted
Oral Presentations
Oral presentations will provide an opportunity to report on original research, innovative programmes and practices, theoretical and conceptual advances, and professional issues relating to the Congress theme.
Posters provide a visual display of original research, innovative programs and practices, theoretical and conceptual advances and professional issues relating to the Congress theme. They are the ideal platform for the presentation of complex visual material.
Programme Categories
Authors will be asked to select the top three categories that best describe the submission. This will be used by the Scientific Programme Committee to assign reviewers and allocate abstracts in the programme.
Excluding 3 Minute Thesis submissions.
Examples: physical/cognitive/mental health in ageing, intergenerational studies, ageing in place, lifestyle changes and adaptation, enabling healthy/successful/positive ageing
Climate change and environment
Examples: disaster management, disasters and communities development, environmental health, environmental support, universal design and accessibility, environment and disability, environmental modifications
Cultural Responsiveness
Examples: Diverse cultural backgrounds, Acculturation, Enculturation, Cultural diversity and cultural context, Race and racism, Intersectionality, Disability studies and persons with disabilities empowerment
Implementation science/knowledge translation
Infants, children, youth, and families
Leadership and advocacy
Examples: leadership in different services, management and leadership, awareness, advocacy, empowerment, management principles, functions, and strategies, program evaluation and quality improvement
Mental health and wellbeing
Examples: Mental health and wellbeing issues experienced by all age group with a range of conditions and circumstances/contexts including asylum seekers/refugees, suicide, Learning disabilities, neurodiversity, various mental health conditions and socially marginalised groups. Approaches and strategies involved in promotive MH and wellbeing
Occupational justice/human rights/equity/social inclusion
Examples: community development, inequalities, poverty, disadvantaged social groups, ethics and professionalism, ethical practice, bioethics, epistemic justice
Occupational therapy education
Examples: teaching and assessment of core competencies, curriculum design, education-practice partnerships, inclusion, innovative pedagogies
Occupational therapy theory/models/history
Examples: application of models, conceptual practice models, occupational therapy practice framework (applications and clinical implications), reflexivity processes, oral history, development of occupational therapy, development in occupational science, meaning of occupation through the lifespan and across cultures
Public health and community development
Examples: different levels of public health service, primary care, community actions, health promotion, social determinants of health, quality and patient safety, occupational health and safety, healthcare management, professional development
Examples: international trends in disability and rehabilitation, global public health and rehabilitation, occupational therapy and rehabilitation, rehabilitation services for persons with disabilities, rehabilitation models
Examples: assistive technology, AI, virtual reality, telerehabilitation, and digital health services
Workforce development and capacity building
Examples: healthcare entrepreneurship, continuing education and professional development, primary healthcare workforce capacity building
Abstract Review Criteria
out of a total of 50
Quality of content
35 points
- Title
- Introduction / Rationale
- Objectives
- Methods / Approach
- Results / Practice Implications
- Conclusion / Significance to the Occupational Therapy Profession
Educational value
10 points
- Interest & appeal to occupational therapy audience
- Important contribution to research / practice / theory / knowledge and / or novel or innovative contribution, relevant to the Congress theme/s
Quality of written abstract
5 points
- Clarity and readability
Accompanying Documents
Research Institute
3 Minute Thesis presentations are available to PhD students only. Graduates are not eligible.
The Three Minute Thesis session celebrates the exciting research conducted by Doctor of Philosophy students. Developed by The University of Queensland, it cultivates students’ academic, presentation, and research communication skills. The session supports their capacity to effectively explain their research in three minutes, in a language appropriate to a non-specialist audience. An award will be offered for the best presentation/s by a panel of judges.
Abstract Review Criteria
out of a total of 50
Quality of content
35 points
- Title
- Objectives
- Methods
- Impact / Results
- Conclusion / Significance to the Occupational Therapy Profession
Educational value
10 points
- Interest and appeal to occupational therapy audience
- Important contribution to research / practice / theory / knowledge and /or novel or innovative contribution
Quality of written abstract
5 points
- Clarity and readability
Accompanying Documents
Hints and Tips from the Scientific Programme Committee
Key Dates
Date | Item |
November 2024 | Call for Abstracts opens |
February 28th 2025 | Call for Abstracts closes |
July 9th 2025 | Author Notification |
August 8th 2025 | Author Response |
September 1st 2025 | Programme released online |
October 2025 | Early Bird registration closes |
February 8th 2026 | Education Day |
February 9-12th 2026 | WFOT 2026 Congress |
General Information
Withdrawing an Abstract
If you want to withdraw an abstract, please contact the WFOT Congress Office in writing via email to [email protected] by August 8th 2025.
Please note that withdrawals need to be communicated in writing by the author who originally submitted the abstract, and in doing so, the Congress Office assumes that all other authors/presenters have been informed of the withdrawal.
Abstract Reviews
Each abstract will undergo an anonymised review by two (or more) peers drawn from an international list of reviewers.
Only a certain number of abstracts are selected for inclusion in the programme. While we understand that it can be disappointing not to be accepted, the aim is to provide the most comprehensive, innovative and diverse programme possible.
Decisions of the committee are final.
Author Notifications
Authors will be notified of the outcome of their submission on or shortly after July 9th, 2025.
For any enquiries regarding abstract submissions, please contact:
WFOT Congress Office:
Think Business Events
Lvl 1, 299 Elizabeth St
Sydney, NSW 2000
+ 61 2 8251 0045
[email protected]
For easy reference, please always include the reference number and title of your submission in your email.
Submit Now
Authors may save their submissions at any time and come back to complete it before the Call for Abstracts closes.
Download our Abstract Hints and Tips for practical advice on crafting a standout submission.